There really is something to be said for having style.  Poise and elegance are words we always associate with tall willowy ladies – usually those over teenage years but who have never given in to the usual problems of aging – additional pounds on the middle and hefty hips.   I have met up with several matronly madames in recent weeks and I know what they’re thinking.  I could recite with them the whining . . . ‘it’s all right for you, you can eat what you like and stay skinny as a rake…..’   It’s absolutly not true – its the fact I can’t do that which makes me do masses of exercise at night and in the morning.  Apart from a weakness for mint imperials, I avoid most confectionery and these days I never buy crisps or other snacks.  I’d only eat them!  I drink lots of fluid – by that it could be fizzy water, tap water, tea, fruit tea and diet coke.  I like to stay slim and show off my height and figure – it makes me feel really good.  I do it for me. To show my style.